Apply Online your Energy Certification of properties
We are homologated by the Bank of Spain, our energy certifications are fully guaranteed
June 1, 2013, it is mandatory to provide an Energy Efficiency Certificate for the property when purchasing and renting homes or commercial premises.
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We call you in 24 hours to arrange a visit to the property.
Your certificate will take between 5 and 8 business days.

Company approved by the Bank of Spain and by the National Securities Market Commission, CNMV.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is it?
Document that includes the qualification of energy efficiency and consumption of a building or part of it (home, premises, office, etc.), information on the procedure, description of the energy characteristics and recommendations for viable improvement. The qualification must be registered in an official body of the corresponding autonomous community in order to be certified. You will inform the potential buyer or tenant of this energy expense. It could condition the price or rent of the property in the future.
Should it appear in advertisements for the sale or rental of homes?
In all. Both on paper, on the internet or on any other platform, we must comply with the energy certification standards.
When did it come into force?
June 1, 2013. Every owner who wants to sell or rent his used home must have the energy efficiency certificate in compliance with Royal Decree 235/2013, of April 5.
Will there be a transition period for its implementation?
No. From the marked date, whoever sells his house must show the energy certification label or he will be sanctioned.
What houses should have it?
All the used ones – the new ones must have it since 2007 – that are sold or rented to a new tenant, as long as they do not already have a valid certificate.
There are exceptions?
Yes. Constructions with a forecast of use equal to or less than two years, isolated buildings with less than 50 meters, buildings bought for demolition, apartment buildings rented for less than four months a year, or that spend 25% of the energy they would consume if they are busy all year round.
What ways are there to obtain it?
Individual (for a single home) or community –cheap– (for the building that marks the rating of all its homes, although an owner can modify the one of his apartment if he has made improvements).
It responds to a 2010 European Directive that seeks to create buildings and houses with high energy efficiency.
What parameters will serve to set the rating of the home?
Insulation (walls, ceilings, floors, windows, balconies, etc.), orientation, energy and fuel generation systems used, installation of sanitary hot water, lighting systems, type of kitchen, etc.
Will you tell how to save energy?
Yes. It should include recommendations for improving optimal levels of efficiency – including investment payback periods.
Will it force reforms?
In no case.
Will it reflect recent reforms?
Yes, as long as they are accredited and have led to an improvement of the elements or their facilities.
How do you apply?
The owner will select individual licensed professional technicians or specialized companies.
The owner will select individual licensed professional technicians or specialized companies.
Who can issue it?
Technicians with academic qualifications and qualifying professionals for the drafting of projects or management of works and direction of execution of building works or for the realization of projects of its thermal installations.
How long will it take to process?
Once the inspection has been carried out, the delivery times for the energy efficiency certificate vary depending on the following variables:
- Preparation time by the professional technician or certifier, and subsequent assignment of the rating on the energy label. (3 days approximately)
- According to the Autonomous Community, registration of the energy efficiency certificate. Each Autonomous Community establishes its registration criteria.
What is the cost of certifying a home?
Each company or professional can freely offer rates to certify homes. The price will depend on what the professional conducting the study offers you. If you want to obtain a good estimate of the annual energy expenditure as well as the study of the investment that would be necessary to achieve energy savings and therefore economic, the cost of certifying a home will be around € 150. However, the amount will vary depending on other factors such as the complexity of the facilities, the square meters or the documentation provided on the property.
What fees will be charged?
The energy certificate has an added cost for registering it with the administration. The associated fee for registering the energy certificate of a home will cost between 0 and 40 euros, depending on the autonomous community.
Will it have an expiration date?
Maximum validity of 10 years. Each community will set the conditions for its update. The owner will be responsible for renewing and updating it voluntarily.
Will you have to officially register?
The recognized document will have to be registered in the corresponding registry that each region will create.
The Royal Decree in its article 5 grants the competence to the autonomous communities, they are the ones that must regulate the energy certification and create an official registry where all the certifications will be registered.
What happens when energy certifications are registered with the official body?
Registering the certificate in the autonomous body implies granting the mandatory energy label to sell or rent the property.
Who will monitor its compliance?
The competent body of each community, which may delegate to independent agents authorized for this purpose. It will be made on a random selection that will check the data used to issue the certificate.
What penalties will it entail?
From 300 to 6,000 euros, depending on the offense (slight, serious or very serious). If the offender had obtained an economic profit for the breach of the regulations that was higher than the amount of the sanction, a fine for an amount equivalent to said benefit will be imposed.
Can a sale be closed without a certificate?
Yes. The notary must inform the buyer in this case and the buyer must give their consent. The writing will reflect this exemption.
Can the person who buys a house without a tag be fined? You have no responsibility. The obligation is the seller.
What is the purpose of the energy certificate imposed from Europe?
The purpose is for homes in Spain to be as efficient as possible but the result of the energy rating of a home does not entail any type of consequence, that is, it is an informative and non-binding document. The objective of the government and Europe is to ensure that those homes with the worst energy rating are subjected to reforms to improve their energy efficiency. The horizon is that all the homes that are built as of December 31, 2020 have almost zero energy consumption, as established in the additional provision of Royal Decree 235/2013, of April 5. This royal decree seeks to know the current state of the housing stock in Spain to know what measures to establish to improve its efficiency.
Is there help to undertake these improvements?
The government has launched a series of grants for communities of owners, groupings of communities or sole proprietors of residential buildings.
What key measures are there to improve energy savings at home?
- Active measures: These are measures that improve the efficiency of heating, cooling or lighting systems; such as replacing the boiler with a condensing one, using a heat pump in refrigeration appliances or installing energy-saving lamps.
- Passive measures: These are the measures that reduce the energy demand of the building; such as: increasing the insulation of the facade, replacing the windows with double-glazed ones, installing solar protection, etc.
Why Euroval?
Rigor is ensured by the strict appraisal rules to which we are subject, which establish the most appropriate appraisal methodology and criteria for the purpose of the report. Independence is safeguarded by the composition of the shareholders, management body and experts of the company, who are not linked to any person, company or entity that may generate a conflict of interest with the assets to be evaluated or expertized.
We are dedicated solely and exclusively to the valuation, both in Spain and in other countries, acting according to what the regulations establish in this regard and monitored by the supervisor system to which the company is subject, which guarantees its objectivity.
For all the above, we offer you the preparation of this type of reports for energy certifications with a methodology according to the nature of the asset and the purpose of the report, and where appropriate, in accordance with the requirements of current regulations.

Do you need a personalized quote?
If you want to value singulars real estates, plots or rustic properties, ask for a quote now without any cost or commitment. In less than 24 hours we will send it to your email.