Buy Online Official appraisal – Rustic Properties
Property valuation for mortgage guarantee, valid for all financials y official organizations. Get a report made by an expert technical team, perfectly argued, which includes: value of real estate, characteristics, urban environment, registry information, cadastral, photographs and plan.
Buy Online Official Appraisal – Rustic Properties

Property valuation for mortgage guarantee, valid for all financials y official organizations. Get a report made by an expert technical team, perfectly argued, which includes: value of real estate, characteristics, urban environment, registry information, cadastral, photographs and plan.

We will call you within 24 hours to arrange a visit to the real estate. You will have your Appraisal in 5 to 8 working days.

Mortgage guarantee of credits or loans
Coverage of technical provisions of insurance companies
Determination of the equity

We offer you the best service at the best price

Company approved by the Bank of Spain and by the National Securities Market Commission, CNMV.
What is a Real Estate Appraisal?
It is a report made with a standardized methodology, according to the requested purpose, in order to obtain the value of a given real estateor the right over it. It is carried out by an expert appraisal team and finally supervised for quality control by Euroval’s validation department.
What assets are susceptible to appraisal?
This type of service focuses on all types of goods real estatesand rightappraisal s, among which the following are noteworthy:
Real Estates developments

Business premises

Industrial and factory buildings

Office buildings

Hotels and nursing homes

Buildings for tertiary use, equipment or facilities

Shopping Centers

Land and plots

Rustic properties
For what purposes is the appraisal real estate agency planned?
Theappraisal real estate can be directed to different purposes, among which we can highlight normative, non normative (knowledge of value in general) and administrative purposes or related to the processes of the administration:
Among the regulatory purposes are those set out in Ministerial Order ECO 805/2003:
- Mortgage guarantee of credits or loans
- Coverage of technical provisions of insurance companies
- Determination of real estate collective investment institutionsequity
- Determination of the equityreal estate of pension funds
The non-regulatory purposes cover a wide spectrum, however, all of them with the common purpose of knowing the market value of a real estate. Among this type of purpose we can highlight:
- Processes of partition of equityby reason of inheritance or marriage separations, etc.
- Financial statements. Adjustment of the value of assets
- Advice on a purchase and sale
- Advice on a property division
- Corporate mergers and splits
- Extinction of pro-indivisional
- Auctions
Among the administrative or process-related assessments of the administration we can highlight
- Debt deferment with the administration
- Capital increases through non-cash contributions
- Checking tax values.
- Expropriations
- Expert and judicial assessments
- Urban development reparcelling
How does Euroval carry out a real appraisal estate report?
The procedures established by Euroval in the preparation of appraisal reports are perfectly systematized in such a way that our technical and administrative team is coordinated in their preparation.
The reports are prepared using standardised methodology, in accordance with the purpose described and taking into account the nature of the asset to be valued. The steps that are taken once the order is received are the following:
- Once the documentation provided by the client has been obtained, the technical team will visit the site real estateand make the necessary checks to ascertain the characteristics and real situation of the property being worked on, contrasting its physical characteristics with those contained in the documentation provided.
- It analyzes the use and protection regime, possession, occupation, and other physical, legal and urban characteristics of the real estate.
- Depending on the type of real estate asset, and the consideration of this and its purpose, Euroval’s technicians apply the most appropriate methodology to produce this report.
This process involves the use of internationally recognised valuation methods and techniques:
- For regulatory purposes, those set out in Ministerial Order ECO 805/2003, on rules for the valuation of goods real estatesand certain rights for certain financial purposes. Regulations of obligatory application in Spain for purposes.
- International valuation standards SVI
- European Valuation Standards EVS
- RICS regulations. If required, Euroval has a team of technicians accredited by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
Is it necessary for the company to be approved by the Bank of Spain?
In accordance with Law 2/1981 of 25 March on the Regulation of the Mortgage Market, in order for a Society of appraisal can issue a valuation report that is valid against financial institutions as well as public and government bodies, whatever the purpose for which it is proposed, it is necessary for this company to be previously approved by the Banco de España. Euroval has had this approval since 1990, as well as that of the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), which ensures that any report carried out will be fully valid before administrative bodies as well as banking and financial institutions in general. We have quality certification from AENOR and IQNET.
All this guarantees us as a serious company, with independence and reliability when carrying out the works and orders that are asked of us, offering our clients the greatest possible satisfaction.
Who's going to do appraisal real estate?
At all times the reports of appraisal mortgage-backed official are carried out by professional experts in the field, in order to make a homogeneous and justified application of the valuation rules adapted to the purpose of the report and the type of asset to be valued. Euroval has teams of professionals with extensive training, experience and knowledge (architects, engineers, economists, lawyers, etc.) who are supervised by its control and validation team, which ensures the final quality of the report.
How soon would you have the report?
Euroval’s experts adapt to the client’s needs and initially offer a time frame in accordance with the scope of the work itself.
What is a Simple Note?
It is a note through which information is given on the content of the registration entries of a given property, indicating the registration data of the property, owner or owners and the existence or not of charges or encumbrances.
What is the registered property deed?
Notarial deed which records the property to be valued. It must be registered in the corresponding property register.
Why Euroval?
Euroval is always governed by the principles of rigour, independence and objectivity. Rigor is ensured by the strict valuation rules to which we are subject, which establish the methodology and valuation criteria most appropriate to the purpose of the report. Independence is safeguarded by the composition of the company’s shareholders, administrative body and experts, who are not linked to any person, company or entity that may generate a conflict of interest with the assets to be evaluated or expert witnessed. We are solely and exclusively dedicated to valuation, both in Spain and in other countries, acting in accordance with the regulations established in this respect and monitored by the system of supervision to which the company is subject, which guarantees its objectivity.
For all the above reasons, we offer you the preparation of this type of report with a methodology in accordance with the nature of the asset and the purpose of the report, and, where appropriate, in accordance with the requirements of the regulations in force. Euroval is a company approved by the Bank of Spain and by the CNMVIn addition, our reports appraisal have a total guarantee of objectivity.

Do you need a personalized budget?
If you want to value singulars real estates, plots or rustic properties, ask for a budget now without any cost or commitment. In less than 24 hours we will send it to your email.