General Terms and Conditions of hiring. Real Estate Valuation for Advice (VIA).
Euroval, trademark and commercial name of Eurovaliraciones, S.A., is a valuation company specialized in real estate´s appraisal and the valuation of all types od goods, assets, rights and companies.
SOCIAL NAME: Eurovaloraciones, S.A.
SOCIAL ADDRESS: Plaza de la Constitución, 2, Entresuelo 03550 San Juan de Alicante (Spain)
CIF / NIF: A03525508
TELEPHONE: 915 98 80 80
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Alicante, Sheet A-2183 Volume 1203 Folio 124
Company approved by the Bank of Spain with code number 4388
Euroval offers its clients the option of contracting a VIA report (Real Estate Appraisal for Consulting) entirely through its web page. This service allows the hiring of VIA reports for Dwellings , premises, offices, garages, warehouses, shops and buildings of up to 100 real estates, prepared by specialized technicians.
Any other type of asset not indicated in the previous paragraph must be quoted by our customer service department through the online quote request option or by calling our customer service line.
In the present document, the client may consult the terms and conditions of the service provided by Euroval. The contract requires the acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions included in the contract, which the customer acknowledges having read.
Once the conditions are accepted by the client, Euroval must accept the order. Therefore, the contract shall be deemed to have been concluded and binding at the time when Euroval has verified that it has the technical and legal capacity to perform the requested work and the payment has been made according to the tariff.
Euroval will send an electronic document containing the order number to the user’s email account, in accordance with the data requested in the registration form.
If the payment of the fee is not verified, it is assumed that the client has withdrawn from the order.
The General Contracting Conditions indicated in this document have been drawn up in accordance with the following provisions: Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce. Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws. Law 7/1998, of 15 January, on General Contracting Conditions. Law 7/1996, of 5 January, on the Regulation of Retail Trade and any other applicable legal provisions.
Any person who accesses this website assumes the role of user, committing to the observance and strict compliance with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provisions that may be applicable.
Euroval reserves the right to modify or update the General Contracting Conditions, as well as the specific conditions which may be included. Such modifications or updates will be published on the website ( and shall be applicable to all contracts made from that time onwards.
The purpose of the present contract of General Contracting Conditions is to regulate the relationship between Euroval and the client when it grants its consent in the contracting process by accepting the payment box. Prior to the client’s acceptance, the different legal texts will be made available to him/her, i.e. General Contracting Conditions, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy and Legal Notice.
client is considered to be any individual or legal entity with the capacity to contract according to the legislation applicable to them in accordance with their nationality, and it is necessary to register on the form requesting the provision of the service from Euroval.
The provision of personal data and the purchase of products through our portal requires that you are of legal age, in accordance with Spanish legislation, and have the legal capacity to contract the services offered on this website on your own.
The services are provided to the client in his capacity as recipient or end user of the same, and the resale or commercialization of the service, as well as the assignment of the contract without the express authorization of Euroval, is strictly prohibited.
Through its website, Euroval offers a direct contracting service of Real Estate Valuation Reports for Advice (VIAs) for Dwellings , premises, garages, warehouses and buildings up to 100 real estates. The report resulting from the contracted service, prepared by a competent technician, allows the client to know the value of the aforementioned real estates.
For all other purposesreal estates, you must contact our customer services or make an online request, so that they can prepare an individualized estimate and provide you with the conditions under which the service will be provided.
The reports will be elaborated from the information provided by the client and/or the visit of the real estate, in which their characteristics will be checked, when it was necessary.
The real estatesobjects of this service must be located in Spanish territory.
The report will be issued in Spanish.
(*) Along with the Real Estate Appraisal for Advice, complementary services can Dwelling be contracted, such as obtaining a Simple Note.
Registration of the order.
The client must fill in the electronic form on Euroval’s website.
Once completed, the applicant must read and accept the General Terms and Conditions and the privacy policy.
After accepting these conditions, the application shows the client a summary of the requested order, informing him of
- The price of the requested work (of our online products).
- The total amount to be paid by the customer to carry out the same (if the characteristics of the client do real estatenot allow to calculate the fees, it will be informed that the management of the order will be carried out by means of a concrete budget that can be requested via web or through our customer service, by telephone).
At this point in the process, the applicant may choose to continue the process or cancel the application. If you decide to continue, you must pay the amount indicated.
The amount indicated for payment will be based on the information provided by the client and constitutes a minimum standard amount. Therefore, the final fees may not be established until Euroval completes the work requested and any possible incidents which may occur prior to the delivery of the report and which may influence the final price of the work are resolved, in accordance with the rate established by Euroval.
Payment for the work requested. Invoice.
Payment of the fee is required.
This will be done by credit or debit card, or in accordance with any other means of payment that are enabled at any time on the page.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 164. One, 3º. 2 of Law 37/1992, of 28 December, on Value Added Tax, the client gives its consent to Euroval to issue the corresponding invoice in its name in electronic format, as well as to have it sent to the mailbox provided at the time of the formalization of the contract with Euroval.
The customer may at any time revoke his express consent to receive the invoice in electronic form. To do so, please send an e-mail to the following address: in which he will identify himself with the data with which he has contracted the service, and will indicate his interest in receiving the paper invoice.
In the case that the client wishes to communicate any incident, comment or make a complaint, he may do so by sending an e-mail to the following address:
Sending of the formalization of the contract. Vigenciand duration.
After the payment of the work according to the tariff by the client, a summary document of the request will be shown on the screen including the data of the order requested by the client and the payment made.
The electronic document in which the request is formalized, will be sent via e-mail to the address that the applicant indicates in the electronic form as confirmation of the order.
The contract will come into force and take effect from the moment the customer accepts and pays for the service. The contract will have a defined duration, which will be given by the reception by the client of the response to the contracted service.
Rejection of the order by Euroval.
Euroval may refuse to carry out the order, justifying the reason to the client and notifying it within a maximum period of 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) from the time the order is requested.
In the event that the order is rejected, Euroval will fully reimburse the client for the amount paid by him/her.
Necessary documentation for the realization of a Real Estate Appraisal Report for Advice (VIA).
The following documentation is recommended (not essential) for the preparation of a VIA report (it may vary according to the client’s request):
- Registry documentation (Nota Simple Registral or copy of the registered property deed) (1) (2).
- Cadastral reference.
- In case of real estatessubjects to some type of protection: definitive qualification certificate or administrative disqualification document.
- In case of real estatesleased or where the use has been transferred to a third party: Lease or assignment contract, as well as the last paid rent receipt.
- In the event of the existence of any type of administrative limitation or burden (usufruct, etc.) that may affect the value of the Dwelling , it must be communicated to the technician by providing the corresponding supporting documentation.
- If the client requests it, it is possible to contract the obtaining of the Nota Simple together with the commissioning of the VIA report.
- The parking space and/or storage room must be part of the property register of the Dwelling .
Preparation and delivery of the report.
After payment of the requested work and confirmation of the order, in those reports which require an internal visit, Euroval will assign a specialized technician who will contact the accompanying person (at the telephone number indicated in the request) within approximately 24 hours (weekends and holidays excluded) to arrange a visit to the real estate.
The Real Estate Appraisal Report for Advice (VIA) is prepared from the documentation provided by the client (see previous section) and the data collection and checks carried out during the internal and/or external visit to the (as real estateapplicable), as well as other additional checks required depending on the type and characteristics of the property real estateand the purpose for which it is requested.
In case it is verified that the garage and/or storage room are not part of the same property as the one registered in the Dwelling , they will not be included in the requested report, according to the specifications indicated in the attached tariffs. In case the client wants them to be evaluated, they will be included in an independent report and an estimate will be previously made to the client, who will have to accept it in order to proceed with the elaboration of the new report.
Once the report has been completed, it will be reviewed and quality controlled by the corresponding department of Euroval.
The applicant will receive the report at the e-mail address indicated in the application, in PDF format and digitally signed.
In case the applicant requires a physical copy, it will be sent with an additional fee of 20 ? plus VAT to the national territory, including courier costs.

The area to be reported by the client is the built area with a proportional part of common areas.
– Fees are subject to verification of the surface area by the appraiser during the visit. In case of discrepancy with the surface informed by the client, the fees will be regulated according to the tariff prior to the delivery of the Real Estate Appraisal for Advice report, VIA (provided that the difference affects the fees indicated in the tariffs).
– Rates include taxes.
Considerations to be taken into account about the rates indicated:
The cost of the work is calculated according to the type of real estateand surface built with common. If, after the visit, it is found that the actual surface area built with common areas real estatediffers from that reported, to the extent that the corresponding fees, according to the attached fee table, would be different (more or less), the invoice will be modified and the fees regularized prior to the delivery of the property valuation report for advice (VIA) by Euroval. If the client does not accept the new fees, the report will be cancelled, and the payment made will be considered as expenses incurred for the work done until that moment.
In compliance with art. 61.1. Section b) of order ECO/805/2003, of 27 March on Rules for the valuation of propertyreal estates, it is hereby stated that the Property Valuation Reports for advice (VIA) They do NOT formally comply with these regulationsThe purpose of the Directive is different from that of its application.
Likewise, the Real Estate Appraisal Reports for Advice (VIA) do not constitute an audit report of the building (of urbanistic, technical, fiscal or legal content). The checks carried out are therefore limited in scope to the subject matter of the report, with particular reference to the following aspects
- The report is drawn up on the documentary information provided and that obtained during the inspection visit. Therefore, possible hidden defects that may be presented by thereal estate, as well as charges, taxes and limitations that do not appear in the documentation provided, are not considered.
- All documentation and information used for the report, provided by the applicant or third parties (and indicated in the report) is considered reliable, since they are provided in unauthenticated photocopies – except those expressly indicated in the report – and therefore no responsibility is assumed for their veracity and the consequences arising from them.
- All data, characteristics, installations, qualities, etc. are indicated only so that the reader can have a better view of the property. The calculated values indicated in the report refer to the real estatereport as a whole and not to isolated parts of it, unless expressly stated.
- The VIA reports are confidential and their use must only be within the scope and purpose indicated on their first page, not being valid for other purposes. Total or partial reproduction thereof, or any reference thereto in documents, publications or circulars of any kind is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of Euroval.
The Real Estate Appraisal Reports for Advice (VIA) are made for the exclusive use of the applicant according to the purpose for which they are requested. Euroval shall not be liable to the client for damages caused by the use of the valuation report for a purpose other than that stated in the report.
Euroval does not assume any responsibility towards third parties other than the applicant using this Report. The use of the report by third parties will require the express authorization of Euroval and the issuance of a new report with the incorporation of the new holder.
The limited scope of a report in the terms set forth in the previous section determines the limits of the liability assumed by Euroval.
The customer may withdraw from the contract within 14 days, counting from the day following the conclusion of the contract, in accordance with Article 104 section a) of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, without having to justify the reasons for withdrawal.
Euroval expressly informs the Client that, since this is a service provision, which has also been prepared based on the Client’s particular specifications, the right of withdrawal referred to in the previous paragraph shall not apply if the service has been fully performed, in accordance with the provisions of Article 103.1 of the Consolidated Text for the Defence of Consumers and Users.
In order for the customer to exercise the right of withdrawal, always within the legal period and provided that the service has not been fully performed, the customer may use the model withdrawal form that he or she considers to be the most appropriate, or make an unequivocal statement that records his or her decision to withdraw from the contract.
We inform you that the acceptance of these conditions implies the express consent of the client to immediately begin the service requested and determines that the client knows and accepts that once the service has been completed, even if 14 days have not passed, he/she will not have the right to withdraw and/or return the service provided.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the service has already been initiated and the client decides to exercise its right of withdrawal within the term, Euroval will issue a report listing the steps taken. To this end, Euroval shall invoice the proportional amount of fees attributable to the part of the service already provided in relation to the total object of the contract and on the basis of the total price agreed for the service, which, in this case, may never be less than 100 Euros for administrative expenses (generation and cancellation of the assignment and arrangements for the return of fees).
Likewise, the client is informed that if the visit to the real estateclient has been made, he is obliged to pay a minimum (without prejudice to a higher percentage) of 30% of the total fees for the service contracted.
Euroval undertakes to treat the information to which it has access in connection with the provision of services with the utmost confidentiality.
Eurovaloraciones, S.A. guarantees security in all communications with its clients. All data operations will be carried out on a secure server, based on the SSL standard, which by means of an encryption system, makes it impossible to access the data in case of violation attempts by third parties.
For all matters not covered by these General Contracting Conditions and the specific conditions governing each of the services offered, the contract will be governed by current Spanish law.
Whenever the Law allows it, the parties, for any legal claims that may arise, submit to the courts of Alicante, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.
Euroval considers it essential that its clients perceive the quality of the services provided, as this has always been one of its main strategic factors. Therefore, the company has a customer service, whose contact visas are as follows:
- Email:
- Telephone: 915 98 80 80
- Postal address: Eurovaloraciones, S. A. – Customer Service Manager, Plaza de la Constitución Nº 2 – 03550 San Juan de Alicante. SPAIN