Online Property Valuation

Learn about Euroval’s appraisal and appraisal services available for homes, premises, offices, warehouses, buildings or land.

Official Appraisal for Mortgage Guarantee ECO 805/2003

Real estate valuation for mortgage guarantee, valid for all financial entities and official bodies.

Report carried out by an expert technical team, with standardized methodology, according to the requested purpose. This report is perfectly argued, it includes: value of the property, characteristics, urban environment, registration information, cadastral, photographs and plan.

This type of service focuses on the appraisal of all types of real estate and rights


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Valoración Inmobiliaria para Asesoramiento VIA

VIA is a specialized property valuation report aimed at knowing its value, without the burden of procedures and formalities prescribed by official valuation regulations or statistical procedures. Prepared by a Euroval technician, it costs less than official appraisals.

These valuations can be carried out on real estate such as homes, premises, offices, warehouses, buildings or land.

• Sales
• Asset valuation
• Contentious
• Distribution of goods
• Divorces


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¿Necesita presupuesto personalizado?

Si desea valorar inmuebles singulares, solares o fincas rústicas solicite presupuesto ahora sin ningún coste ni compromiso. En menos de 24 horas se lo enviaremos a su correo electrónico.